

Zoom Account Self Sign-up

To all students at sophia university,
We ICT Office ask you to ready your Zoom account before the Autumn semester starts.

1. About Self Sign-up

 Please follow the manual and create your zoom account with sophia e-mail.
 Below shown is the zoom manual

 * We do not send Zoom’s invitation e-mail to the newcomers of this Autumn Semester. Please self-sign up.
 * If you are not the newcomer of this Autumn, the invitation e-mail sent in May 2020 is out-of-date. Please self-sign up.
* If you already have your zoom account with sophia e-mail, you do not have to create new one. Please sign in and check if it works before the class starts.


2. Self-Check for Zoom Meeting

Please complete self-check test.


3. Inquiry about zoom to ICT Office
Please try first and search by yourself as much as possible. You can also refer to zoom official help page.
If you would like to ask ICT office, please send your questions with detail, such as screen shots.