

To New Zoom Users Regarding “Consolidating into Account”

Dear All students

Immediately after registering to use Zoom, “Account consolidation process” is performed, but for those who have just started using Zoom, it has been found that account consolidation is not performed properly.
If you’ve signed out and signed in to Zoom several times, it can be used normally.

■If the account consolidation is not done properly
The following restrictions apply.
 1.Not licensed
 2.Only authenticated users can join meetings
 3.Cannot be specified as an alternative host

As mentioned above, it will interfere with the use, so check the video linked below and take the following measures if it does not play well.

■How to check
Please check the following page.

Please sign out and re-sign in to Zoom in your browser.

If the following message is displayed at that time, select “Consolidate into Account”.
Account consolidation is successful.