User Guide

[For Students] An operation policy of COM rooms/Dual purpose rooms, and Remote access (As of April 1st, 2021)

This is the information on how to use COM rooms (Building 2, 3F, Library, Machine Hall, Building 3, 3F) and dual purpose rooms (Building 2, 3F, 2-306/308/310).

1. Request for countermeasures against infectious diseases

  • Please be aware of infectious diseases before using the facilities.
    It is not possible to disinfect the facilities each time you use them, so you will need to take your own measures.
  • The keyboard and mouse in the computer room will not be disinfected.
    Alcohol disinfectant will be placed at the entrance of the room, so please make sure to disinfect your hands thoroughly. If necessary, please bring your gloves, sanitizing paper, and sanitizing spray.
  • For hygiene reasons, headphones, and headsets (hereinafter collectively referred to as “headsets”) will not be lent out for any reason. Please prepare them according to the necessity of the class.
  • If you would like to use a headset in a COM room, a USB type one is required. Earphones from smartphones and analog headphones are not guaranteed to work.
  • Please check the operation of the headset before conducting listening tests.
  • As usual, eating and drinking is prohibited.
  • Please refrain from unnecessary conversation and use the room quietly.
  • The COM room is not designed for group study, so please have conversations outdoors.

2. Request for the use of PCs in COM/Dual purpose rooms

The number of shared PCs is limited. Therefore, please strictly observe the following rules. Please use it in a concessionary manner so that those who need it can use it when they need it.

  • Self-study in COM / Dual purpose rooms is given top priority to self-study of software and environments that can only be used in COM / Dual purpose rooms.
  • Online classes and job interviews are not allowed.
  • If you need to use a PC at university, bring your PC whenever possible. Please use your PC whenever possible for normal Internet searches, Moodle operations, and report creation.
  • Use of videos and streaming services should be limited to what is necessary for learning and to a minimum.
  • Wireless LAN is not plentiful in the COM/Dual purpose rooms. Please be aware of your smartphone or other device and disconnect it from the Wi-Fi.

3. Using COM room Remote Access

The COM rooms are equipped with expensive and high-performance software that can only be used in COM rooms (SPSS, CREO, etc.). Normally, this software cannot be used from your PC at home but can be used by remote access to university computers.

  • The following 4 remote-access classrooms will be available in 2021: COM A, B, X, and Z.
  • On weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., the classrooms can only be accessed from within the university (for classes or self-study), and remote access from outside the university is not allowed.
  • Access from home will be given priority on weekdays from 0:00 to 7:30 and 22:00 to 23:59, and all day on weekends.
  • Remote access will be suspended during event days (TEAP exams, etc.), maintenance, and long vacations.
  • See this PDF for how to access it.

4. About students who take online courses for health reasons, etc.

Students who have applied for online courses through the Loyola questionnaire may be granted special remote access to COM rooms “during the relevant class hours” when taking classes held in COM / Dual purpose rooms. Eligible students will be contacted again via Loyola regarding how to apply for this service.
We will inform those students via the teachers about how to use it.
 During class hours, the number of PCs that can be remotely accessed is very limited. Therefore, we ask for your cooperation in the following matters.

  • Even if the class is held in a COM / Dual purpose room, please use your own PC as much as possible even if you only use Office or Internet.

5. Contact
